Medical Store Management System Project Report Download

This mini project in C Medical Store Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, you can add, modify and delete records of customers, suppliers and medicines. You can also search for customer or supplier details and medicines added into stock.

Search can be done by medicine id, customer id or supplier name. The source code for this project is large, complete and totally error-free. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE with. Unlike other C program source codes, I haven’t displayed the source code for this mini project on Medical Store Management System in C here because it’s too long – over 2500 lines.

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You can directly access the source code plus application file from the download links. Download Mini Project in C Medical Store Management System with Source Code [sociallocker] with Source Code [/sociallocker] About Medical Store Management System Project: This mini project is a very comprehensive one.

File handling has been extensively and effectively used for almost major functions. The whole project is based on file handling as all medical records are stored in file. Data structure have been used to store and organize records. Overall, understanding this project will provide you valuable information on how to store, edit, search and delete data using file. Here, you can input many information like medicine Id, rack no., cabinet no., supplier’s name, unit cost, price, etc while adding a medicine into the store.

Mini Project in C Medical Store Management System This mini project in C Medical Store Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, you can add, modify and delete records of customers, suppliers and medicines.

You can also view information about report and billing. (Also check out project.) There are over 25 functions used in this mini project.

I have divided those into the parent functions listed below to help you understand the project better. Customer and supplier Id int getcust_id(); int getsupp_id(); 2.

Welcome and main menu void welcome(); void main_menu(); 3. All boxes void main_box(); void box1(); void wbox(); 4.

Bill slip void bill(); 5. About menu void about(); 6. Medicine menu void medicine(); void medi_sale(); void stock(); void update_stock(); void medi_entry(); void medi_search(); void remainder(); 7.

Supplier menu void supplier(); void supp_entry(); void supp_list(); void sup_update(); void search(); void search_id(); void search_name(); 8. Customer menu void customer(); void cust_search(); void search_cid(); void search_cname(); void cust_entry(); void cust_list(); void cust_update(); 9. Report menu void report_menu(); void report(); void sale_rpt(); void sale_rpt_daily(); void profit_rpt(); void pur_rpt(); void pur_rpt_daily(); void gotoxy (int x, int y) – I have been describing this function in every published on this site. You need to understand this function as it is one of the most important one used in Medical Store Management System Project.

Gotoxy function allows you to print text in any place of screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C.

Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks. } Note: In Medical Store Management System, you have to press the first character to choose the option upon running the application.

For example: – (scroll down to the screenshot of main menu in output) for viewing the supplier info, enter ‘s’. Enter ‘c’ to view the customer info, enter ‘m’ for medicine and so on. Output Screenshots: Main Menu Medicine Menu Add Medicine Also see, I hope this C mini project on Medical Store Management System will serve you well as a good reference project. Hino explorer keygen crack generator. Understanding its source code can definitely guide you create similar mini projects of your own. But, submitting this project with little or no modification at all is completely discouraged.